What does it mean to Live Without Limits?
If you knew that there were no limits to what you can be and what you can achieve, would you still be doing the things you are doing? Would you still be acting the way you are acting?
If you want to achieve more, have more, and live more, you’ve got to accept this guiding principle: Live life on your terms, limits aren’t real.
When you play by the rules of others, by default, you accept their terms, their constraints, and their boundaries. But since you are the boss of you, you are the one who determines how far you go. You decide whose game you’ll play.
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Even though we all have the ability to fly free, many of us stay perched in the safety of our comfort zone.
But if you desire to live a life free of limits, you’ll have to overcome the resistance from the following sources:
The limitations of our mind
Our mind is our worst enemy when it comes to defining our limitations.
“I’m not qualified.” “I could never do something like that.” “I’m just not ready yet.” If you have ever advised yourself of any of these things, you have already limited your potential. You’ve talked yourself out of possible life-enriching opportunities.
Living life fully is about trying new things, even when you’re not sure if they’ll work. It’s about enjoying the moments, and giving yourself permission to be imperfect as you learn and grow.
If the stars always needed to be perfectly aligned to move forward, you wouldn’t get much of anything done.
So stop focusing your mind on all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something. Instead, make a list of all the reasons why you should. Consider all the things that could go right.
It WILL change the way you see the situation.
The comfort zone
If the phrase “because that’s the way it’s always been done,” frustrates you, then you understand the danger that comes with accepting the status quo as a life sentence.
Society often has a long list of norms of what people should and shouldn’t be able to do. But norms are like averages. They exist, until someone comes along and resets the bar.
Every invention, advancement, and breakthrough had to prevail over the status quo to bring about positive change.
Someone had to stand up against “the way things are“ to show others that “the way things could be“ was possible.
Surround yourself with like minds to stay inspired about your ability to move beyond existing standards. Brushing up on the success stories of change makers who’ve gone before you will fuel you as well.
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Living without Limits
Everyone has a purpose in life… a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” ~ Deepak Chopra
There are no limits in this world, there are no limits to what you can be and what you can achieve, only those you choose to impose on yourself and you have a choice to chose how your life will be built and how your own person will be sculpted.
“I have Absolutely No Limits on What I Intent to Create.” ~ Wayne Dyer
Just the simple act of thinking about it, just the simple act of thinking about the things you would love to have, and the person you would like to become can help you remove many of the limiting beliefs, many of blocks that you have built over the years, beliefs and blocks that keep you stuck in a place that you don’t want to be, away from your greatness and away from the life you have always dreamed of.
Moving into uncharted territory isn’t always easy. At times it is quite uncomfortable. But the rewards that come from exploring what lies beyond the familiarity of your comfort zone are worth all the effort.
So release yourself from the limits that prevent you from living an extraordinary life. The opportunities on the other side of the boundaries are abundant.
As part of SW1’s philosophy to Live Without Limits, we are launching a Change The World movement for the month of August. we are donating part of proceeds from CHAI & SW1 skincare to three adopted charities. To find out more, please contact help@SW1clinic.com .