5 Ways You’re Unknowingly Making Your Skin Age Faster - SW1 Clinic

5 Ways You’re Unknowingly Making Your Skin Age Faster


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There are many reasons why our skin ages a certain way. As we age, changes in our skin manifest in its laxity, plumpness, texture and pigment. While genetics play a small role in how our skin may age, what we have control over will determine its overall quality, especially the consistency in which we care for our skin.

Skipping sleep and eating sugar are just a handful of obvious ones, and while we may have less control over things such as pollution and UV rays there are some things you can do to help slow down the effects. How many of these silent skin-ageing factors are sabotaging your youthful glow?

1. Super Skincare Ingredients

According to Dr Low Chai ling, there’s no such thing as a miracle in a jar, but many of today’s anti-aging products do move past the hype and turn back the clock just a smidge. And because beauty isn’t only skin deep, experts point out that what we put inside our bodies counts nearly as much toward a younger look as what we slather on the outside.

At the most basic level, clean skin is essential. When it comes to purging pores and giving your skin a good detox, nothing beats a facial. In addition to giving skin a thorough cleaning, it also gives your skin a fresh start. By removing dead cells, your skin is better able to absorb serums and creams, and harness the benefits of its active ingredients. Dr Low recommends using micellar water to clean your skin thoroughly without over-dehydrating it.

Our skin is constantly under assault from sun and environmental pollution. Naked skin affords no protective barrier as our skin comes into direct contact with all sorts of allergens and offending dermal ‘agers’. Photo damage manifests itself as solar elastosis or deep skin damage. If your skin resembles a leather handbag, then you’ve only got the sun to blame. Some proven ingredients to reverse sun damage are Vitamin C such as Citrine and retinol such as Age Defy. Apply retinol based products at night to give your skin an overnight skin renewal effect.

A good sunscreen is a must. Whether you prefer it slathered on its own, or incorporated into your makeup as a SPF factor, you must keep your skin protected at all times, even on cloudy days. Unfortunately not all sunscreens are made the same, choose one that shields both UVA and UVB and goes the distance without clogging skin

Read more: I Tried a Facial That Reversed My DNA

2. Diet

Poor nutrition is one of the key reason why skin looks and stay dehydrated. If you lack vitamins and minerals, your skin will not be able to build essential collagen that keeps your skin strong, supple and hydrated. Make sure you consume fruits and vegetables in a variety of colours, and soon you’ll notice visible results on your skin. In addition, make sure you take in enough water daily.

Drinking too much coffee can cause irritated and red skin. Caffeine dehydrates the cells, causing inflammation and dryness. Also, if you work at night and sleep during the day, you may lack vitamin D because you don’t expose your skin to the sun regularly. A frequent culprit is alcohol. While it may be fine when consumed in moderation, it’s likely to do more harm than good in the long run. It negatively affects the process of collagen production, making facial skin become flaccid. Not to mention the broken capillaries, facial flushing and other unattractive facial signs that come with it.

Switch from stronger tipple to lighter mixes when imbibing in cocktails with your mates. Stipulate at least two alcohol-free days a week, enough time for your liver to detox fully.

3. Weather

Some of us don’t take into account the changing weather patterns when we travel. Using skincare meant for humid weather in the dead of winter in London will only lead to tears and dry skin. Overly dry skin from weather issues is one of the most common complaints we see at SW1 Clinic.

Very dry skin can sometimes lead to severely inflamed skin, worsening issues such as acne and eczema. Luckily, the solution is simple—moisturise. Of course, not all moisturisers are made the same. Look out for products with beneficial anti-aging ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin B, C or resveratrol.

Read more: 2 Anti-Aging Skincare Ingredients Dermatologists Like To Use

4. Stress

Emotional stress isn’t the only thing that can rev up stress hormones and cause breakouts; poor sleep and diet can have the same reaction within the body. Stress hormones become elevated when you are experiencing psychological stress, not sleeping well, or even with a poor diet. Elevation of these stress hormones cause inflammation throughout your body, including your skin. In order to combat this specific skin woe, try exercising regularly, going to sleep on time and engaging in activities that decrease stress levels, such as meditation.

5. Professional help

Do you have an aesthetic doctor on speed dial? If not, it’s high time to reconsider. Finding a good aesthetic doctor is as important as having a good hair stylist or a good gynaecologist. That is every woman’s secret weapon. Because your skin and beauty goals are unique to you, having the right aesthetic doctor will help you navigate both long and short-term issues and get the proper advice on what works best for your skin. Learn more about our doctors here!

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