Which is better: Nose Fillers vs Nose Threadlifts?
Salma: Do you see more women seeking nose enhancements these days?
Dr. Low: Asians have always been very concerned about the appearance of their nose. Unfortunately, we Asians are not naturally blessed with the ideal nose. In fact, we are genetically skewed towards a broader based nose with flesh nostrils and a flatter nose bridge. With the onslaught of western media and a heightened aesthetic ideal, many women, both young and old, are no longer content with living with an imperfect facial feature. Furthermore, with so many new aesthetic innovations available, women are spoilt for choice when it comes to safe and effective aesthetic enhancements. All they need to do is navigate the potential minefields and find a reputable doctor who can lay out the pros and cons of each procedure so they can make up their own minds on what is best for them.
Salma: Which procedures for the nose is more popular—nose fillers or nose threadlifts?
Dr. Low: Nose fillers have been around for a longer time so more people have undergone them, and are comfortable with them. On the other hand, a nose threadlift is a relatively new innovation; but while it comes with a shorter history, it has garnered a lot more interest and its fair share of loyal advocates. Right now, I would say they are neck to neck with one another. However, I always tell my patients it matter not what is more popular, what matters most is what is the best procedure for you. If you go in with that goal in mind, you will always come out with the best outcome.
Salma: Which patients are more suitable for nose fillers?

Nose Fillers
Dr. Low: Nose fillers have little downtime when done well. While all injections come with the risk of pin prick marks and the possibility of bruising, the swelling associated with nose fillers is negligible for most patients. Patients who have a crooked nose, or hump or an uneven looking nose will do well with nose fillers.
Salma: Who is not suitable for nose fillers?
Dr. Low: Patients who have a broad nose or who have very thick sebaceous type skin will not do well with nose fillers. This is because the latter has very heavy skin type which makes it very difficult for a gel filler to exert any significant lifting effect.
Salma: What is the downtime and side effects of this procedure?
Dr. Low: Pin pricks marks and possibility of bruising in some patients are reported, but swelling is rare. In very rare cases when filler is injected into a blood vessel, emergency treatment to dissolve the filler may be required.
One of the main drawbacks of relying only on filler, or when doing filler in the wrong patient is that the filler may migrate (moving to the sides of the nose), this may result in a broader appearance of the nose bridge. Sometimes, when I see my patients who have had multiple nose filler before and complains of a “broadening” effect of the nose, I would proceed to “clean” out the migrated filler by injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase which will clean up all the unwanted filler that has gone down the side. Then I may add a nose threadlift to define the nose bridge to create a narrower and sharper nose. This way we can recreate a sharper nose without adding more filler and making the problem worse.
Salma: Which patients are more suitable for nose threadlifts?
Dr. Low: Patients who wishes to lift and elevate the nose in a defined manner will be suitable for this procedure. Patients who wish to list the nose tip will also find nose thread lifts useful.
Salma: Who is not suitable for nose threadlifts?
Dr. Low: If your main concern is a hump on your nose, then nose fillers would be a better option to smoothen out the nose surface. Or if you just want a small change that is reversible, then you can opt for nose fillers. Should you change your mind, you can always dissolve the fillers away with a special enzyme.
Salma: What is the downtime and side effects of this procedure?
Dr. Low: While all injections come with the risk of pin prick marks and possibility of bruising, there is also some swelling associated with nose thread lifts. This is not very obvious but may last for 24 hours. Most importantly, for best results, I always advocate special taping of the nose after the procedure to ensure that the results are ideal the next day, so my patients will leave the clinic will a special sculpting tape on their nose after the procedure which they have to wear overnight.
Salma: Are there patients who combine both nose fillers and threadlifts for the nose?
Dr. Low: Yes, in fact more and more patients are combining both procedures to get the most ideal outcome. Most patients are not neatly split into one or the other category when it comes to nose imperfections. Sometimes, we may have a little hump but we also want a narrow and elevated nose bridge. That is why at SW1 Clinic, we often treat our patients with the 3D Nose Lift which combines Nose Fillers and Nose Thread Lifts for more holistic results.
I always tell my patients who press me for an answer as to which of the above procedure is better, that is akin to me asking if eyeshadow or lipstick is more vital to your makeup end-result? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in the middle and in most cases, a combination of both would definitely yield results that far surpasses either of each alone.
By Salma Kang