This Is THE Career Life Hack You Might Have Missed All Your Life

This Is THE Career Life Hack You Might Have Missed All Your Life.


What you do for a living, and how good you are at it determines the quality of life you live. Career progression is naturally a pretty consistent goal as you start to clock the hours of experience your job offers you.

The experience gained equips you with the skill sets needed to take on bigger responsibilities, move up the pecking order and of course, get the bigger paycheck.

Are experience, drive and qualifications the only factors that will guarantee your ascent in the working world?

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Looks Can Be Receiving

More and more reports have in recent times come out of the woodwork, proving that while your papers and know-how at work count for something, your physical appeal counts equally as much, if not more when it comes to scaling the corporate ladder.

Several sources like The Daily Mail, Forbes and corporate media giants Business Insider have all but confirmed that aesthetics plays a very pivotal role in determining how you advance in your career.

All of these reports have been backed up by studies from professors from the economics and psychology sectors, and books have also been written about this little-known phenomenon.

It comes as no surprise, if you think about it. We humans are becoming increasingly visual creatures. Anything that is visually pleasing to us triggers endorphins within us that make us feel good, thus forsaking any form of inhibition or doubt that might have been previously present.

A well put together and attractive salesperson is naturally able to break down any pre-existing form of objection from a prospect easier, then someone with less regard for grooming.

Better closing figures, better incentives, better promotions…better life.

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Grooming For Success

Now that this revelation has come to light, it’s time to look into detail what kind of measures to take to up your appearance ante.

All impressions start and end from the face. We have to accept that “judging a book by its cover” these days is as common as they come in the working world, so it is important to really take care of that money-maker.

The topical climate of Singapore can be very unforgiving on our skin, with the UV rays accounting for most facial disparities – from acne to wrinkles, from fine lines to pigmentation.

Always slap on some water-resistant and chemical-free sunscreen before you step out of the house, to give yourself a fighting chance against the loss of quality in your skin.

One of the biggest misconceptions about skincare is the fact that the humid weather means there is no need for moisturizing your skin.

False! Humidity in the air means the increased likelihood of perspiration. The sweat and oil excreted can clog your pores badly, so moisturizing and cleansing is very much still up there on your list of skincare to-dos.

Invest in a deep-penetrating day-and-night moisturizer that actually cleanses and hydrates your skin from within, and gives your face a luminous and dewy appearance.

Proper maintenance of your skin ensures that you will not look to jaded by the effects of aging, and maintain that exuberance and freshness that will complement your make-up and power suit very well.

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Time is of the Essence

One of the most common factors that stands between mediocrity and greatness is time. Seizing the day and making the most of your time is one of the keys to excelling in whatever you do, even outside of your career.

However, we do have to contend with the fact that sometimes time is just not on our side. We do not always have the luxury of dictating the pace of our daily grind, and we’re perpetually working on a limited window of time.

Being time-starved does not mean you have to compromise how you present yourself to the world. If you’re looking in the right places, the right fixes will be available to you.

Located at the new spanking premises at the OUE Gallery, SW1 Clinic’s latest offering are their facial cocktails, named as such because of the level of comfort and indulgence one can expect to enjoy, while being tended to.

Boasting 4 tiers of comprehensive facial treatments that include skin cleansing, exfoliation, illumination and restoration, clients get to mix and match a “cocktail” of treatments they may require according to their skin condition.

Pick from the Fresh Faced Martini, Pretty Bellini and Gorgeous Cosmopolitan, a trio of facial cocktails you can undergo – even during your lunch hour. One treatment ranges from 50-70 minutes. Brief, effective and extremely customizable, popping in for a quick facial pick-me-up before an important meeting, date or party is no longer a distant reality. You’re in the express lane for skin perfection. No excuses for not looking good anymore!

For more information on our suite of services, please visit our website at

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