Staying positive during another phase of Heightened Alert
Here we go again, with another round of Heightened Alert in Singapore and another round of restrictions, limiting our options to be out with our family and friends.
Staying home it is, and more importantly staying positive. Covid-19 is bound to have affected each and every one of us in one way or another and more than ever, taking care of our mental health ranks high when it comes to self-care.
Here are some tips to switch on your self-care game plan and keep your mindset positive as we all work towards the day when we can resume some form of normalcy.
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Have a daily schedule
Schedules help to create structure and can help you feel more motivated. A routine can keep you active and busy, creating better balance overall.
Draw a clear line between your work time and your home life, especially if you are continuing to work from home. This helps to prevent burnout and keeps you productive.
Appreciate the extra time
Cutting down on daily commute gives us more time to do other things we have always wanted to do. Be it fitness or picking up a hobby like cooking or investing more time in your plants, this can all add a different rhythm and dimension to your daily life.
Take care of your body
While your mental wellbeing is important, taking care of your physical wellbeing is just as important. Staying indoors for days and week at end can lead us to a state of lethargy and idleness.
Take advantage of the extra time to invest in some home exercises or even a daily morning walk. Complement this with healthy eating habits so that you keep you body in optimal condition whilst being home.
Stay connected
While we are physically isolated from social get-togethers, there’s no reason for us to cease connecting with our family and friends. With an abundance of apps for video calls out there, you can still ‘see’ your loved ones and enjoy dinner and drinks together. Such calls will help you to feel supported and connected throughout these trying times.
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Be aware of your mental health
Support your mental health and be aware of your feelings and state of mind. This period is stressful for everyone and it’s imperative that we find our own wats to relax and unwind. Be it meditation, a home facial or listening to your favourite music, do what it takes to lift your spirits. A diary can be useful too to help you identify any negative thoughts and emotions and the likely triggers for them.