Here’s how to treat these 5 common post-partum skin woes
You’ve just had your baby and as your body is recovering from the delivery , you can’t help but notice some things just aren’t the way they used to be. Pre-baby that is. It’s easy to think that you’re the only one experiencing these new-found skin woes but good news is that you aren’t alone. Better news? They are not irreversible and there are ways to treat them.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
#1 Melasma
Did you know melasma is also commonly referred to as the ‘mask of pregnancy’? It is a pigmentation condition that occurs as a result of an overproduction of melanin caused by hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy. Asian women tend to be more affected by this condition, with brownish patches developing on the cheeks, forehead, temples, nose bridge, upper lips and jawline.
To keep melasma under control, it’s best to avoid the sun and religiously apply a good dose of SPF 30 sunscreen and Vitamin C on your face, neck and arms. For more persistent cases, there are laser treatments available to help eradicate these brown spots. Pico Eraser is a popular laser treatment that is effective in lightening pigmentation, fading discoloration and brightening one’s complexion. The number of sessions required will depend on the severity of the discoloration.
#2 Eczema
Eczema aka dermatitis is a common skin condition and is often aggravated by an underlying sensitive skin condition that has been present for some time. To combat eczema, it is recommended that you use a moisturiser regularly to help soothe inflamed and itchy skin. Use a gentle soap substitute and continue to moisturise even after the rashes have subsided.
#3 Stretchmarks
Stretchmarks affect at least 90% of pregnant women and are a form of scarring that appear red when fresh and this would be the most ideal time to treat your stretchmarks. During pregnancy, consistent use of moisturisers or stretchmark creams may help with this condition. Those experiencing more severe stretchmarks could opt to see a doctor for skin tightening laser treatments, which are deemed safe even if you are breastfeeding.
Vbeam is a gentle pulsed laser energy that treats the redness caused by stretchmarks while rejuvenating the skin at the skin. Pair this with MagicTone to shrink collagen fibres in your skin and stimulate the production of new collagen at the same time, effecting skin tightening for a more toned appearance.
#4 Hair Loss
Hair loss typically occurs about 3 months after delivery. This may be stressful to new mothers but fret not, this condition usually goes away after 6 months. But if you experience increased hair loss, you choose from topical solutions such as shampoo and serums that help to promote hair growth and reduce hair fall. Alternatively, hair treatment options in the form of Revitascalp and PhotoRejuve both offer hair restoration and rejuvenation properties to minimise hair loss.
#5 Acne
Another reaction due to hormonal changes as you undergo pregnancy, acne can be distressing. In most cases, acne clears on its own with a few weeks or months post delivery but if you’re concerned about scarring, you should seek out an aesthetics doctor to customise a treatment plan for you.
Our popular Silk Touch Laser, unlike carbon dioxide lasers, uses fractionated picosecond laser to smooth out acne scars. This laser can be used on any skin type and colour while offering the dramatic results to the patient.