Botox for Men - SW1 Clinic

Botox for Men


In case you don’t already know, men are getting Botox in record numbers. It’s not just the fairer sex these days seeking this treatment to reduce lines and wrinkles on their faces, men too are getting more conscious of the way they look as they get older.

So let’s get to the basics of what Botox is and what can it do for men?

What does Botox do?

Botulinum toxin or simply Botox is known as a Neuromodulator, and injects like water, blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. While women usually come in with requests to look younger, men seek Botox simply to look refreshed and relaxed; a better version of their 40, 50 or 60 year old self.

Botox for wrinkles

This naturally comes to mind and another visual that comes to mind when you think of Botox is frozen, expressionless faces. This happens when Botox is administered poorly but with current techniques in place, this is an unlikely occurrence. A properly trained and experienced doctor will know which muscles to inject and which muscles to avoid in order to give you a natural, relaxed appearance.

Areas that are commonly treated with Botox are the Glabellar lines or ‘11’ which are the lines between your eyebrows, crow’s feet and forehead lines.

Botox for excessive sweating

Botox aren’t just used to treat lines and wrinkles, it is also commonly used to treat Hyperhidrosis, a medical condition known as excessive sweating, which typically occur in underarms and palms. Excessive sweating have been known to cause some embarrassing situations and may even affect one’s confidence.

When Botox is injected in the right muscles, it paralyses the muscles responsible for sweating and stops overproduction in the sweat glands.

Botox for chronic migraines

Botox was first used in the late 1970s to relieve pain associated with Strabismus, a painful condition of the eye muscles (which was how it was discovered in reducing crow’s feet). In 2020, it was FDA-approved to treat chronic migraines with very good results. In case you were wondering on the definition of chronic migraines, it refers to 15 or more migraines a month with the average lasting over four hours.

To effectively treat chronic migraines, Botox is strategically injected around the cranium by a certified doctor for some much-needed relief.

Botox for tightened muscles

One of the side effects of living a stressful lifestyle is teeth clenching and grinding, also known medically as Bruxism. This can happen in the day or when you’re sleeping leading to physical pain and severe dental problems.

By injecting a small does of Botox into the masseter muscle (the muscle that moves the jaw), the muscle is weakened and relaxed enough to stop involuntary grinding without affecting other movements such as facial expressions and chewing.

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