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Host microbiome (normal bacteria flora on your skin) and genetic makeup both play a part in determining how your skin will evolve in the future as well as how it responds to certain treatments and ingredients. Capturing the genetic makeup of your skin gives you an edge in predicting what sort of skin issues will develop decades before their occurrences. Possessing this insightful ‘peek’ into your skin’s future opens up a host of opportunities never available before — from using effective ingredients to prevent, to using targeted treatments to treat. This groundbreaking study conducted jointly by Sequential and SW1 aims to one day give you the power to influence how you look and age.
Speak to one of our doctors at SW1 about being a part of this groundbreaking study today.
Do you qualify for this study? Want to be part of this pioneering research? Find out here
Meet the new generation collagen stimulating dermal fillers, AestheFill, whose main component is PDLLA (Poly-D-L-lactic Acid), a biocompatible, biodegradable and biostimulatory substance that is FDA-approved to naturally stimulate skin cells to produce their own collagen. Instead of adding volume to your skin, this form of dermal filler creates natural volume to the contours of your face, stripping off years from your skin. Read more..
Call us at 6817 8888 to book your appointment! Alternatively, fill in this simple appointment form and our beauty sages will get back to you very soon.
Water Drop Lift
Skin lifting AND hydration. Could Water Drop Lift be the next (non-invasive) anti ageing phenomena? A new and improved version of LDM-Med, LDM Triple solves a multitude of skin concerns effectively and painlessly. Read on to find out why this could be the next best thing for your skin.
Call us at 6817 8888 to book your appointment! Alternatively, fill in this simple appointment form and our beauty sages will get back to you very soon.
Featured in The Royal Singapore
Limitations. There are no such things. The only limits that exist are the ones in our minds.
Watch how Pastor Henry changed his life around and turned over a new leaf! Click here
Call us at 6817 8888 to book your appointment! Alternatively, fill in this simple appointment form and our beauty sages will get back to you very soon.
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