5 Skin pick-me-ups that work wonders in under 30min
by Lauren Vengos
I confess: I have canceled plans because of acne—occasionally even because of one lone pimple. And I am not alone in my overreaction. From toothpaste to tretinoin, I have tried them all. Despite the arsenal of skin care potions lying in my bathroom cabinet, there are times when my skin needs more than just a dab and rub. But being one that has no patience for anything longer than an episode of Riverdale.

Facials in under 30 minutes — do they work?
My grumbles must have been heard, because in recent months, a smattering of quick pick-me-ups have come under my radar. Facials now come in so many guises, with the professional skincare industry currently undergoing the same radical rethink as the hair world did 10 years ago, when it was reinvented with blow-dry bars, styling menus and “destination” salons opened by charismatic big-name stylists.
Here I list my top skin fixes that actually make a difference to my complexion in under 30 minutes.
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Fast Fix

Really clean skin in under 30 min
One of the first facials I tried when I landed in Singapore. To clear my skin of the humidity-induced bumps and oil glands in overdrive, I succumbed and found myself in the good hands of Vicky, who expertly cleansed my skin with a blade like ‘weapon’ that emitted sound waves. I must admit my skin never looked cleaner. An oxygen clay mask mopped up excess sebum, and left my skin matte for days. Extra perk was the patting of vitamin C into the skin to end the facial.
Details: 30min for S$139.10
Read more: 5 Makeup Tips for Acne Skin
Glow & Go

Can 30 min give skin a glow?
This has become my go-to arsenal before any red carpet event. Its targeted at overthrowing dull skin, and with its deft combination of retinol peel and vit c infusion, I must say no skincare products even come close to it for its glow-inducing prowess. If makeup is looking cakey, and nothing you do will make your skin perk up, then it’s time to ‘Glow & Go’.
Details: 30min for S$160.50
Read more: 5 Things to Take Note For Dry Skin Prone to Acne
Face Peels

Face peels is my no-frills answer to clearer skin
This is my major weapon for when I want something deeper to tackle more stubborn woes. I had my first peel in the USA a decade back when it was a messy event complete with peels and neutralizer, fans etc. I like the modern peels where it is faster, cleaner and more efficient. No neutralization needed as the doctor applied the peels for me layer by layer, in accordance to my needs and tolerance. A blend of fruit acids to meet my requirements is selected by the doctor. So every visit could be different. When I have pimples, clogged pores, I get about 80% BHA and 20% AHA. If I want to clear pigment, I get about 70% AHA and 30% BHA with some vit c.
Details: 30min for S$192.60
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Oxy Shot

My skin drank up the oxygen like a thirsty man
Disclaimer: technically this isn’t a facial. It’s more of an add-on but it gives my skin such a great pick-me-up, it has got to be included in my top 5 list. This is a blast of pure, concentrated oxygen (>98% oxygen) that is administered to the skin. Initially skeptical, I was surprised to see how my complexion instantly responded. I walked out of the 10 min procedure with glowing skin that had a healthy flush I hadn’t seen in 20 years.
Details: 30min for S$107
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20min medical-grade (not spa-grade) red light therapy to boost healing
This is like the emergency number you dial when you hit a crisis. That’s what LED Red is. When I have picked at my pimples and angry red marks are staring back at me in the mirror, LED Red is the answer. When my skin is sensitive, flushed or schizophrenic from a sub-optimal lifestyle (read: hangover), LED Red comes to the rescue. Regenerating light in the red spectrum boosts healing and calms skin so it returns to a healthy, balanced state. It’s my 911 for skin.
Details: 30min for S$139.10
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Lauren is a guest writer from Los Angeles. She is a freelance blogger and photographer and travels the world for inspiration.