Getting Your Body Back to Normal After Childbirth - SW1 Clinic

Getting Your Body Back to Normal After Childbirth


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You’ve already given birth to your lovely child, but for some reason, your body still isn’t back to normal. It’s normal to be worried about this, but you should always remember that your postpartum body recovery period doesn’t last for a few days, but spans quite a long time. Experts assert that most women need, at the very minimum, a year to get their pre-pregnancy body back following childbirth.

Getting your body back after childbirth

That being said, we’ve got the two most common problems women have after giving birth. If exercise isn’t doing much to get your pre-pregnancy body back, this might be more helpful!

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1. The Baby Belly that Refuses to Budge

One might think that giving birth would get your belly a lot smaller, but the truth is that most women look like they’re in their second trimester even after leaving the hospital. This is because the uterus takes approximately 6 weeks to get smaller, and there really isn’t a solid way of quickening this process. Any woman would have to wait, and of course they would get nervous that this baby belly might never go away.

If you didn’t have any complicated delivery, and gave birth naturally, you can begin light exercises about 6-8 weeks after giving birth to start some toning exercises through light to moderate weight training. Or, if your weight is close to what it was before pregnancy, treatments such as fat cryolipolysis or Coolshape abdomen will be very effective in getting fat around the mid-area to disappear. If you had a caesarean delivery, it is important that you wait a minimum of 6 months before giving Coolshape a go!

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2. Loose Abdominal Flabs

During your pregnancy, your belly expanded multiple times its original size, so of course your skin got stretched out. Don’t sigh and think that it’s the end of your perfect body, because nowadays there are many non-invasive skin tightening treatments that work wonders for your flabby skin. A prime example of these treatments is the ONDA Body Magic Skin Tightening module from SW1 Clinic, that utilizes patented Coolwaves to promote the production of collagen in your skin painlessly.

For best results, SW1 Clinic recommends having 6 sessions of skin tightening treatments, with two weeks interval in-between.

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These non-invasive treatments are extremely sought after, and for good reason. There is no downtime, so any new mother with a hectic lifestyle can get these treatments too!

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