Feasting with Ease – Go for Multiple Rounds… Without Piling on the Pounds

Feasting with Ease – Go for Multiple Rounds… Without Piling on the Pounds

 In Detox

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Before we get down to the real stuff, let me wish all of you a happy, prosperous Chinese New Year! Good fortunes and good vibes all around, my good people.

Now, we are all pretty clear what the festive season brings – apart of the joy of having a reason to go shopping, and catching up with friends and relatives… copious amounts of feasting and drinking.

A typical house visit during the New Year usually kicks off with a scrumptious round of lunch or dinner, followed by sitting around with mingling over CNY snacks like love letters or tarts over a beer or two.

What follows is probably a few rounds of blackjack or a mahjong session, accompanied by more beer, peanuts, and more CNY goodies. Once you pop, it’s really hard to stop.

It is only when you start to experience a little resistance when you try to zip up your office skirt after the holidays, that you start to realize all the good things come at a heavy price (pun intended).

Food and drink guilt slowly start to creep in as you know you have succumbed to the festivities, and have been consuming more food and alcohol than you have planned to.

The thought of all the pineapple tarts, bak kwa and beer seduces you into thinking that the feasting is seasonal and it’ll all be okay, but your waistline begs to differ.

Oh, the woe!

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The Wrong Kind Of Prosperity

The scenario I just painted above might not be what exactly transpired, but the food and drink guilt from days of loading up on sinful food and drinks is very much real – and happens to the best of us.

The realization brings about a tinge of regret, and the impertinent need for detoxification. The urge to purge is real, as an extended period of binge-eating or drinking brings about bloating, fatigue, weight gain and in the long run, a broken-down metabolic system.

You need to get the toxins out of your system, pronto.

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Sleep Deep

Slumber has always been one of our body’s most effective ways to heal and reset, and an essential part of the detoxification process. It has been known to aid in weight loss, reduced cortisol and stress levels, and general improvement in health.

Sleep is one of the better things in life that’s absolutely free, so always allow yourself a 10-hour block of sleep after an eating and drinking bender.

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Fluid Motion

Hydration, like sleep is an integral cog in the detoxification wheel. The need for clean fluids to flush out the toxic fluids ingested is real, so always have yourself a nice big glass of plain water upon waking up, to kick start the digestive tract into detoxification mode.

Plain water aside, there are a host of equally efficient fluids that can help in the removal of toxins in your body. Lemons are known to be rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, and greatly aids in digestion.

Make yourself a drink of hot water and freshly squeezed lemon juice, to speed up the exodus of poison in your system.

Tea is also known as a very reliable ally to combat the toxins in your body. Another quality beverage rich in antioxidants, tea comes in handy in boosting the natural cleansing process of your body.

Detoxification teas like lemongrass, ginger and milk thistle even contain properties that sustains and enhances the health of your liver, the main “port of authority” for the outflow of toxins from your body.

A cup of tea in the afternoon after your lemon juice-water combo in the morning will optimize the purging process.

Supercharged stand-ins for water like the Purification 1-Day Cleanse supplement will add a potent twist to your hydration schedule throughout the day, and enhance the healing process of your body.

Chock full of nourishing herbs that stimulate your detoxification pathways and promote toxin elimination, this supplement also cleanses the blood and fortifies your immune system. Just add the 4-ounce potion into a gallon of water, and drink it throughout the day.

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What Goes In Must Come Out

Even though you feel like you’ve eaten a month’s quota of food in a matter of days, it is still necessary to fill your stomach with some solid food.

Food containing fiber, protein and iron rank very high on the recommended list, because they greatly aid in your bowel movement, which is a much-needed process if you want the poison out of your system…literally.

Rice, buckwheat, lentils, split yellow and green peas, almonds, organic turkey and chicken, sardines and lamb are some of the examples of food that you should load yourself with, to facilitate the exodus of all the bad stuff from the previous day. You can find a more extensive list of recommended food items here.

Binge-eating and drinking can also mar the efficiency of your digestive system and in turn cause irregular bowel movement. If you feel “fat” or bloated all the time, you’re probably suffering from indigestion – and in turn, weight gain(!).

Bowel regulators like the Daily Cleanse consist of 17 of nature’s most powerful digestion-optimizing herbs, designed to gently support the liver and kidney in relieving your body of toxins faster, and reduce gas, bloating, and digestive upset along the way.

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