Key benefits:
- Removes the skin fold the hangs over the inner corners of the eye (epicanthal fold)
- Widens the eyes and makes them look longer
- Often combined with double eyelid surgery to enhance and beautify the eyes
Procedure details:
- Performed under local anaesthesia
- Incisions are made along the inner corners of the eyes
- 1-hour procedure, 1 week downtime, 3 – 6 months to appreciate the final results
The epicanthic or epicanthal fold is a skin fold of the upper eyelid that covers the inner corner (medial canthus) of the eye. It can be present in people with or without double eyelids. Epicanthic folds have a tendency to make the eyes appear further apart, especially in those with low nose bridges.

The latest epicanthoplasty techniques give relatively inconspicuous scars, and are often performed with the double eyelid procedure to enhance the result.
*Results may vary according to individuals.