The power duo when it comes to effective weight loss - SW1 Clinic

The power duo when it comes to effective weight loss


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For those who have tried it, weight loss is hard. When trying to shed the extra pounds, it seems harder that it sounds. The low-calorie diet, a regular exercise regime and even the motivation (or lack of it) can all seem insurmountable in your quest to lose some unwanted weight.

Focusing on just one aspect is certainly not enough, all three parts need to work in a fine balance to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

The power duo when it comes to effective weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, it’s not enough to reduce your calorie intake. Your body inadvertently works against you as you start to lose weight, because it causes a decrease in hormone leptin which sends a signal to tell you brain that you’re full. On the other hand the hormone ghrelin increases, a stimulus for hunger. Even after you have achieved your desired weight, this hormone imbalance continues to occur, making it harder for you to keep the pounds off.

Then there’s the exercise regime to stick to. How often have you heard the advice of finding an exercise you enjoy? There’s good reason for this as you’re more likely to stick to the exercise and not find it a chore when it’s time to get moving. But exercise along won’t get you to where you want. Not only is it easy to replace the burnt calories from a 60 minute bike ride (all you need is a post workout protein bar), losing a pound of fat will require you to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume.

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When you’ve got both diet and exercise going for you, motivation will slowly but surely present itself as you start to lose pounds week on week. And sometimes to kickstart your weight loss journey, you just need a little push in the right direction.

The Skinny Jab using Saxenda is an injectable pen that mimics a natural hormone produced by our bodies known as glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) that helps to regulate appetite and hunger. This leads to lower calorie consumption and accelerated weight loss. This reduces any food cravings you may have and you are more likely to keep to less than 1,500 calories a day. Combine this with moderate exercise and you’ll be noticing your weight loss in the weeks to come.

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With some, while weight loss is to be rejoiced, the not so pleasant side effects of loose skin is real. With Onda Body Magic, patented Coolwaves technology not only helps to dissolve stubborn deposits of fat, skin tightening effects can be achieved too with this treatment. This process stimulates new collagen production resulting in firmer, toner skin.

Combining these 2 treatments will not only help you achieve your desired weight, it ensures the end result looks smooth and perfectly contoured – an enviable silhouette that you will be sure to love.

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