5 common Breast Cancer myths debunked - SW1 Clinic

5 common Breast Cancer myths debunked

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5 common myths about breast cancer debunked

October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, we thought it fitting that we take some time to debunk these common myths surrounding Breast Cancer.

#1 Wearing an underwire bra causes breast cancer

This theory is based on a belief that wearing a bra, especially an underwire bra, could restrict the flow of lymph fluid from the breast and cause toxicity to build up in the breast tissue, leading to breast cancer.

To date, there’s no evidence that supports this claim.

#2 If there’s no family history of breast cancer, I won’t get it

It’s true that a family history of certain types of cancer can increase your chances of having breast cancer but in reality, most women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer are not presented with a family history of it. Statistics show that only about 13% of women with breast cancer have a close relative with breast cancer.

Despite your family members not having breast cancer, it’s still important that you conduct routine checks for yourself and not become complacent.

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#3 Breast cancer always forms a lump

We usually think that discovering a lump means that it’s a sign of breast cancer but did you know that there are several warning signs of breast cancer that can’t be felt? Performing self-examinations on your breast is always a good idea but should not substitute regular mammogram screening.

#4 Breast cancer only happen to older women

While it’s true older women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, numbers have shown that breast cancer affects women below the age of 40 too.  In fact in 2017, 4% of invasive breast cancers were diagnosed in women below 40 years old.

There are also cases of breast cancer among men. Even though this is very rare, it can happen and tends to be diagnosed at a more advanced stage. Any abnormality or changes found in males’ breasts should be checked out too.

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#5 If I lead a healthy lifestyle, I won’t get breast cancer

You may be eating right, exercising regularly, not smoking and not drinking alcohol, but that won’t mean you won’t get breast cancer. While leading a healthy lifestyle could reduce your risk and is generally good for health, it can’t eliminate it.