What is vaginal laxity and what you can do about it
As women age, it’s not uncommon to experience a feeling of ‘looseness’ that occurs in the vagina. This usually happens after vaginal childbirth but it’s also been associated with aging and menopause. In fact, vaginal laxity is so common, it’s been known to affect 75% of women worldwide.

How do you know you have vaginal laxity?
Some of the common symptoms of vaginal laxity include decreased sensation in their vagina during intercourse, loss of vaginal lubrication, a decreased sexual function and libido, problems in achieving orgasms and sounds produced by the expulsion of air during sex and or exercises. Some may also experience incontinence where a sneeze, cough or laugh can cause a leak.
These can all affect a woman’s overall wellbeing and lower one’s self confidence with their spouses as they worry they have lost the ability to please their partner.
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What can you do about it?
Some may have heard of Kegel exercises to help with tightening the vaginal muscles, some may find it tricky to locate and activate their pelvic core muscles to ensure they’re doing the correct work. Surgical vaginoplasty is another option with high patient satisfaction rate but there are patients who may not want to opt for a surgical solution.
Non-surgical solutions in the form of laser or radiofrequency energy is currently available as a suitable option for such patients.
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