Here’s why you shouldn’t lose sleep over post partum hair loss - SW1 Clinic

Here’s why you shouldn’t lose sleep over post partum hair loss


For many new mummies, the joy of having a newborn is often met with the frustration of not understanding the changes your body is undergoing right now. One of the common sources of frustration is hair loss. Your hair was looking (and feeling) thick, healthy and luxurious while you were pregnant and suddenly they are falling out in clumps, and it seems like there’s no stopping it.

Here’s why you shouldn’t lose sleep over post partum hair loss

This is known as post partum hair loss and is more common than you think. The good news is you’re not going to be on this path forever. Post partum hair loss is even considered normal and occurs due to falling oestrogen levels. When you were pregnant, those hormones were keeping your hair from falling out. Now that the pregnancy phase is over, your hormones are going back to normal and hair loss is one of the results of that.

While it seems the hair loss is excessive and giving you some cause for concern, there are some things you can do to regain healthy hair.

#1 Be good to your hair

Similar to how you would invest in the right products for your skin, and eat right for your body, giving your hair a little more TLC could reap benefits for your hair too. Find the right shampoo for your hair, ease off on the heating tools, avoiding too tight hair accessories and even consuming oral supplements that are good for your hair are all little tips to give your hair some love on a habitual basis.

#2 See a doctor

Don’t hesitate to see a doctor if you think your hair loss is excessive. These days aesthetic treatments aren’t just limited to the face and body. There are now treatments that can help to promote hair growth and improve scalp health.

Revage 670 is one such treatment, that is FDA-approved and is a low-level laser therapy that helps to rejuvenate thinning hair in both men and women. This treatment emits painless, cool laser energy to stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles where hair thinning is prevalent.

The other go-to treatment is Revitascalp which gives scalp a blast of clinically-proven Minoxidil and nutrients to support healthy hair growth. Best of all it’s painless without any need for needles or injections making it a very comfortable treatment.

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#3 Try a new hair style

There’s no time better than now to try out a new, shorter hairstyle. You are likely to end up with healthier hair with the new shorter ‘do as you’re putting less stress on your scalp, which when compared to before you were literally dragging it down with long hair.

You may also be saving yourself time on having to style it as much as before. A well-cut hairstyle will not only freshen up your appearance, it will enhance your features and help to hide areas of your scalp where hair loss is more prominent.

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