Beat the post-festive skincare blues with these beauty tips - SW1 Clinic

Beat the post-festive skincare blues with these beauty tips


As the year winds down and the merrymaking picks up in December, you may or may not have noticed your body and skin feeling a little out of whack.  The festive season with all its fun and parties, feasting and boozing can be chaotic for your body. While we all appreciate a good get together with family and loved ones, it’s important to take care of yourself simply by following some of these beauty tips.

#1 Slow down on the sugar and alcohol

The combined consumption of sugar and alcohol break down collagen, which we all know holds the key to younger, healthier skin.

More often during the festive season, it’s easy to get carried away with sugar and alcohol especially when it seems to be just about everywhere you turn. Take a breather and remind yourself to drink water in between sips of wine and champagne. If your sweet tooth is calling out to you, see if you could satiate those cravings with a healthier option such as fruit.

Read more: Quickest ways to refresh your look….in time for Christmas!

#2 Get sufficient sleep

It may seem all too tempting to fill up your social calendar with parties this December but beauty sleep is called beauty sleep for a reason.

Insufficient sleep has been found to raise your cortisol levels which triggers inflammation and breaks down the proteins responsible for smooth, glowing skin. This same inflammation can also cause your skin to be more prone to acne and more sensitive to allergic reactions.

Lack of sleep can also have the effect of your blood circulation working less efficiently. This results in lower oxygen in the blood, giving your skin the appearance of being blotchy, pigmented and grey.

Take time out for yourself to indulge in good, sound sleep. Your rested body and healthier skin will thank you for it.

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#3 Make intentional plans for selfcare

Besides getting sufficient sleep (see point above), it’s also important to carve out time just for yourself to enjoy a session of TLC. It doesn’t have to be long, it could be as little as 5 minutes, but this time is yours and yours alone to unplug and reset.

Best of you all, you get to decide how you want to go about doing it. Be it a meditative session or a walk in the neighbourhood or even a DIY home facial session, you do what makes you feel good and help you to de-stress.


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