Here’s how you can prepare your skin for a chemical peel - SW1 Clinic

Here’s how you can prepare your skin for a chemical peel


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Thinking of a getting a chemical peel done? They are a great option if you wish to restore softness and suppleness to your complexion with other side benefits such as reducing the appearance of wrinkles, pores, acne scars and even uneven skin tone. Plus, they are generally more cost-effective than lasers if budget is a consideration for you.

Here’s how you can prepare your skin for a chemical peel

Chemical peels use naturally occurring fruit acids to remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. Removing this top layer allows healthier skin cells to come through, resulting in skin that is smoother and more radiant.

If you are interested in getting a chemical peel done, here’s what you need to know to get your skin prepared for one.

Don’t exfoliate

A chemical peel is in itself a form of exfoliation, albeit a more in-depth version than your weekly facial scrubs that you do at home. One week before your chemical peel session, it’s important that you do not exfoliate your skin or even use skincare products that may have exfoliating properties in it. This could have the adverse effect of causing damage to your skin when used prior to a chemical peel.

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Try not to wear any makeup

Give your skin a little break and a detox by refraining from any makeup prior to your chemical peel session. This helps to ensure you have as little dirt on your face as possible to increase the benefits you’ll get from a chemical peel.

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Stay away from the sun

While not entirely possible in sunny Singapore, taking measures to stay away from the sun whenever possible will be helpful to chemical peels. Chemical peels generally work better on skin that isn’t sun-damaged so be diligent and consistent with sun protection with SPF and a wide brimmed hat when you can.

Stay hydrated

Chemical peels can be drying for the skin, so it’s important you should be well-hydrated on the day of your chemical peel session and even in the days leading up to it. Besides drinking lots of water, be sure to use any products that help to hydrate your skin too.



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