5 DIY Skin Lifting tricks that work! - SW1 Clinic

5 DIY Skin Lifting tricks that work!

 In , ANTI AGING, Uncategorized, FACE, BB AquaTouch Laser, SKIN

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In this day of easy access, we want things fast and convenient. Even when it comes to beauty, it’s not any different. We’ve sussed out these top 5 popular skin lifting tricks that’s making its rounds on the internet as simple skin lifting tricks or exercises you can do right in your very own bathroom

#1 The Quick Instant Face Lift Massage

Getting a face lift could be as simple as incorporating the right massage techniques to your face. Used regularly, you (and your friends) could see a difference and a noticeable lift!

A good facial massage could help to relieve tension (known to cause wrinkles) and improve blood circulation.

All you need for a face massage is your favourite face oil or serum. Always start upwards (we’re fighting gravity, remember?), massaging your neck and décolletage area, gently working towards your forehead. Don’t forget about the delicate skin around the eye area and use gentle circular motions here. If you’re fond of having a hot shower, a good way to stimulate blood stimulation is to splash cold water against the skin after.

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#2 Fake a Lift with Make Up

Thanks to the Kardashians, the art of contouring your face has taken the beauty universe by storm. When done right, I can’t help but admit it can create a more lifted and sculpted visage. Here’s a little video on how you can get contouring down pat.

#3 Your Hairstyle!

Even the hair you wear can take you from drab to fab in seconds. Know what works to create that illusion and everyone will be asking who’s your doctor.

The most convenient hairstyle to give your face that lifted appearance is a ponytail. But this is not just any ponytail. Attention to details is a must and we’re here to help.

  • The ponytail has to be tight. To get this effect, lean back as you gather your hair at the crown, brushing upwards from the sides. The tie should be at the crown of the head and should gather the sides as tight as possible.
  • Do pull on the sides above your ears.
  • Ensure your ponytail follows your jaw line and is swept upwards. It should ideally be secured on the crown of your head – in line with your jaw. This also helps to give the appearance of an elongated neck.
  • If you have flyaway hairs, also known as baby hairs, do use hair gel to neaten them or secure them upwards, for a more polished look.


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#4 The Instant Face Lift Egg White Mask

Many have turned to this tried and tested home remedy for a quick lift. Many have reported a tightening and lifting effecting after it has been left on the skin to dry for about 10 minutes.

All you need to do:

  • Beat an egg white with a squeeze of lemon juice
  • Apply the mixture onto your face with a cotton ball
  • Use upwards strokes as you’re applying the mask
  • Allow to dry and tighten for not more than 10 minutes

Rinse lightly with water and follow with moisturizer and your usual routine.

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#4 SygmaLift

Although not a DIY, I love this too much for it to not make it to the list. SygmaLift, as its name suggests, is a lifting and firming treatment that can be easily done at an aesthetics clinic. Painless yet highly effective, there’s nothing not to love about SygmaLift.

Combining focal lines and micro-ultrasound HIFU technology, this treatment improves lower face contours and lifts the mid-face for a more youthful appearance.



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