Fractional Laser Singapore (Airbrush Fx Light) | SW1 Clinic

Airbrush Fx Light

Key benefits:

  • Smoothens skin texture
  • Improves scars & pores
  • Erases blemishes & discolouration

Procedure details:

  • 30 minute laser treatment by skilled doctor
  • 1 day downtime
  • Comfortable

Airbrush Fx Light is a fractional laser resurfacing treatment designed to refresh dull, fatigued complexions and radically correct uneven skin tone and texture irregularities without significant downtime. It is a minimally invasive way to reduce the signs of ageing, such as wrinkles, fine lines and hyperpigmentation, and can also be used to treat acne scars and discolouration from acne. Its versatility has made it a very popular option to rejuvenate the skin effectively.

How does it work?

Airbrush Fx Light is a fractional laser that helps to erase stubborn pigmentation and surface imperfections such as pores, lines and rough dull skin by resurfacing the skin. At the same time, the fractional laser treatment supercharges cellular renewal, self-repair and collagen replenishment for a come-hither radiance and a healthy spring in your skin.

This occurs as the laser creates columns of thermal damage in the skin, allowing the skin to heal and regenerate itself, to achieve the refreshed, revitalised complexion everyone is after.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

Did we mention the versatility of the Airbrush Fx Light treatment? From skin discolouration, textural imperfections, dull skin to lines and wrinkles, this fractional laser treatment is an ideal option for both a younger patient looking to perfect the complexion and take control of the aging process; as well as a more mature individual looking to refresh the visage and keep them from calling you “Ma’am” and start carding you for ID.

Best of all, this fractional laser is suited for all skin types, however those with recent sunburns should not do this treatment. Instead, wait for a month or so after the sunburn and tan have subsided before booking an appointment for this treatment.

How many sessions are needed?

Resistant pigmentation and pores may need about 4 – 6 sessions for optimal results although most patients see improvements even after the first treatment. Treatments are typically done at 4 weeks’ intervals.

For best results, we recommend our comprehensive Lustrous Skin Program which harnesses the potential of Airbrush Fx Light, LED Red therapy and Pearl Eclat facial add-on to restore an undeniably luminous and healthy complexion.

What is the treatment like?

Numbing cream is applied before the treatment to maximize your comfort. Most patients describe a warm prickly sensation as the gentle spray of fractional laser peel sweeps through the treatment zone.

Flushing of the skin is expected post-procedure and generally resolves by the next day. Patients may apply make-up immediately after treatment if needed. Some may experience mild flaking of skin 3 to 4 days later as skin renewal takes place. During this time, do not use any products containing acids in them, nor should you be scrubbing your skin. Sun protection is not to be compromised during the crucial healing period as your skin is at its most sensitive, so consistent application and reapplication of sunscreen containing at least SPF30 are ideal to keep your skin well protected.

What follows is soft, smooth, even-toned skin – a complexion with such luminous clarity that it radiates the alluring lit-from-within glow.

Prepare to see yourself in a new ‘light’.

Airbrush Fx Light using fractional laser is a safe and effective method for revitalising the skin without much downtime. Even though it is a relatively safe procedure, it is still important to find an experienced doctor familiar with multiple lasers including fractional lasers to offer you the best outcome from your laser treatment.

Book yourself an appointment with one of our aesthetic doctors here in SW1 for a customised fractional laser plan to treat your beauty concerns.

*Results may vary according to individuals.