Microtia (congenitally absent ears)
Key benefits:
- Improves self-esteem
- Reconstruction with own cartilage produces a ear that requires little to almost
no maintenance required - Minimal scar/deformity in donor areas
Procedure details:
- Surgery is done after the age of 12 under general anaesthesia
- Surgery involves 2 stages, about 6 -12 months apart
- The first stage involves construction and insertion of the ear framework, and
the second stage involve elevation of the reconstructed ear
What is microtia?
Microtia is a congenital defect of the external ear.
Who does it affect?
This condition occurs 1 in 7000 – 8000 births. There is a male to female ratio of 2:1. It more commonly affects the right side of the face (ratio of right : left : bilateral = 5:3:1 ). It is more common in Asians than Caucacians.
What is Ear Reconstruction (Nagata Technique) like?
Procedure: Reconstruction of the external ear using the Nagata Technique involves 2 stages:
1st stage procedure
1) Harvesting of the rib cartilages on the same side as the absent ear
2) Creating a 3-D framework out of the harvested cartilages
3) Implanting the 3-D framework into the site of the missing ear

2nd stage procedure (6 months after 1st stage procedure)
Involves lifting the reconstructed ear off the side of the scalp

What is the Recovery Time?
Patients generally take 2-4 weeks to recover.
*Results may vary according to individuals.