Healing after your breast augmentation surgery – what you need to know

Healing after your breast augmentation surgery – what you need to know


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When Jane had her breasts done in 1990, a boob job was still a major event. Not anymore. Breasts, like bad teeth or unruly eyebrows, have become something to “fix.” Some doctors need less than an hour to insert the implants, some workaholics take just a five-day weekend away from the office to recuperate. Breast augmentation was the most popular cosmetic surgery for women in 20017 according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). But many of this next generation of implantees, just like Jane, assume their new breasts will come without scarring or other unwanted ‘side effects’. Below, we have listed a few useful tips to keep your new set of breasts in tip top condition.

1. Wear a good support bra

Tips to keep your breasts in tip top condition

Wearing one throughout the day and night post-operation will ensure breasts are well supported and with less stress being placed on the scars.

2. Silicone treatments

Silicone treatments act as a barrier to bacteria and can be used to hydrate scar tissue, producing softer, flatter scars with regular usage. As this material is breathable, it also helps to prevent the scar tissue from getting sweating and irritated and can reduce the itch that typically comes with scars.

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3. Breast massage

After you have healed a little from your surgery, do massage your breasts as advised by your doctor. Gentle massage can help to soften and flatten the scar but this should only be done after the scab has disappeared on its own. Massaging the area can also help to increase blood flow and speed up the recovery process.

4. Drink up

Do drink plenty of water after surgery – hydrating yourself helps improve the elasticity of your skin and will aid in the healing process.

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5. Laser

Laser not only helps the patient benefit from improved healing, it also reduces possible keloid formation. At SW1, patients have the option to take up the Scar Prevention Program which is the quintessential plan to speed up the healing of post-surgical scars.

This impressive double-pronged strategy uses only FDA approved technology and helps reduce the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars in susceptible individuals. Furthermore, it also accelerates the healing of post-surgical wounds and fading of post-surgical scars.

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